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Leon Gurevitch

Leon is Associate Professor in Design at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has published scholarship on digital VFX, visual effects and advertising, labour in the VFX industries, animation, the industrial production of visual effects, migration and the VFX industry, gaming and VFX, the intersection of science, technology and the visual effects industry, the archeology of the visual effects industry and more. Leon continues to work on his Digital Workshops of the World project that tracks the migration of labour across the visual effects industry and interviews visual effects artists and managers across the visual effects pipeline.
Areas of Focus
VFX and advertising, Labour in the VFX industries, VFX economics, VFX R&D, VFX pipelines, VFX workflows, VFX management, Animation, Industrial production of VFX, Migration and the VFX industry, Gaming and VFX, Science, Technology and the VFX industry, The Archeology of VFX.
Relevant Research
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